Module elastiknn.codec

Mixin for API objects that can be converted to a dict compatible with the Elastiknn Json API.

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"""Mixin for API objects that can be converted to a dict compatible with the Elastiknn Json API."""

from typing import Dict

class Codec(object):
    """Mixin for API objects that can be converted to a dict compatible with the Elastiknn Json API."""

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
        """Return a dictionary compatible with the Elastiknn Json API."""
        raise NotImplementedError


class Codec

Mixin for API objects that can be converted to a dict compatible with the Elastiknn Json API.

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class Codec(object):
    """Mixin for API objects that can be converted to a dict compatible with the Elastiknn Json API."""

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
        """Return a dictionary compatible with the Elastiknn Json API."""
        raise NotImplementedError



def to_dict(self) -> Dict

Return a dictionary compatible with the Elastiknn Json API.

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def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
    """Return a dictionary compatible with the Elastiknn Json API."""
    raise NotImplementedError