This document covers the Elastiknn API, including: settings, REST API payloads, all approximate similarity models, some common patterns, and some nice-to-know implementation details.

Elasticsearch Settings

Elastiknn offers the following settings:

Setting Scope Required Default Description
elastiknn.jdk-incubator-vector.enabled Cluster false false If true, Elastiknn will use SIMD vector operations from the jdk.incubator.vector module. Note that you likely also need to pass --add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector to the JVM, e.g., using the ES_JAVA_OPTS environment variable.


You need to specify vectors when indexing documents and when running queries. In both cases you use the same JSON structure to define vectors. Each vector also has a shorthand alternative, which can be convenient when using tools that don’t support nested documents. The examples below show how to specify vectors when indexing them. The format for specifying vectors in queries is covered later.


This assumes you’ve defined a mapping where my_vec has type elastiknn_dense_float_vector.

POST /my-index/_doc
    "my_vec": {
        "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]    # 1
POST /my-index/_doc
    "my_vec": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]        # 2

# Description
1 JSON list of all floating point values in your vector. The length should match the dims in your mapping.
2 Shorthand alternative to #1.


This assumes you’ve defined a mapping where my_vec has type elastiknn_sparse_bool_vector.

POST /my-index/_doc
    "my_vec": {
       "true_indices": [1, 3, 5, ...],   # 1
       "total_indices": 100,             # 2
POST /my-index/_doc
    "my_vec": [[1, 3, 5, ...], 100]      # 3

# Description
1 JSON list of the indices which are true in your vector.
2 The total number of indices in your vector. This should match the dims in your mapping.
3 Shorthand alternative to #1 and #2. A two-item list where the first item is the true_indices and the second is the total_indices.


Before indexing vectors, you first define a mapping specifying a vector datatype, an indexing model, and the model’s parameters. This determines which queries are supported for the indexed vectors.

General Structure

The general mapping structure looks like this:

PUT /my-index/_mapping
  "properties": {                               # 1
    "my_vec": {                                 # 2 
      "type": "elastiknn_sparse_bool_vector",   # 3
      "elastiknn": {                            # 4
        "dims": 100,                            # 5
        "model": "exact",                       # 6
        ...                                     # 7
# Description
1 Dictionary of document fields. Same as the official PUT Mapping API.
2 Name of the field containing your vector. This is arbitrary and can be nested under other fields.
3 Type of vector you want to store. See datatypes below.
4 Dictionary of elastiknn settings.
5 Dimensionality of your vector. All vectors stored at this field (my_vec) must have the same dimensionality.
6 Model type. This and the model parameters will determine what kind of searches you can run. See more on models below.
7 Additional model parameters. See models below.

elastiknn_sparse_bool_vector Datatype

This type is optimized for vectors where each index is either true or false and the majority of indices are false. For example, you might represent a bag-of-words encoding of a document, where each index corresponds to a word in a vocabulary and any single document contains a very small fraction of all words. Internally, Elastiknn saves space by only storing the true indices.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_sparse_bool_vector",  # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 25000,                       # 2
                ...                                  # 3
# Description
1 Type name.
2 Dimensionality of the vector. This is the total number of possible indices.
3 Aditional model parameters. See models below.

elastiknn_dense_float_vector Datatype

This type is optimized for vectors where each index is a floating point number, all of the indices are populated, and the dimensionality usually doesn’t exceed ~1000. For example, you might store a word embedding or an image vector. Internally, Elastiknn uses Java Floats to store the values.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_dense_float_vector",  # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 100,                         # 2
                ...                                  # 3
# Description
1 Type name.
2 Dimensionality of the vector. This shouldn’t exceed single-digit thousands. If it does, consider doing some sort of dimensionality reduction.
3 Aditional model parameters. See models below.

Exact Mapping

The exact model will allow you to run exact searches. These don’t leverage any indexing constructs and have O(n^2) runtime, where n is the total number of documents.

You don’t need to supply any "model": "..." value or any model parameters to use this model.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_(dense_float | sparse_bool)_vector",  # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 100,                                         # 2
# Description
1 Vector datatype. Both dense float and sparse bool are supported
2 Vector dimensionality.

Jaccard LSH Mapping

Uses the Minhash algorithm to hash and store sparse bool vectors such that they support approximate Jaccard similarity queries.

The implementation is influenced by Chapter 3 of Mining Massive Datasets., the Spark MinHash implementation, the tdebatty/java-LSH Github project, and the Minhash for Dummies blog post.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_sparse_bool_vector", # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 25000,                      # 2
                "model": "lsh",                     # 3
                "similarity": "jaccard",            # 4
                "L": 99,                            # 5
                "k": 1                              # 6
# Description
1 Vector datatype. Must be sparse bool vector.
2 Vector dimensionality.
3 Model type.
4 Similarity.
5 Number of hash tables. Generally, increasing this value increases recall.
6 Number of hash functions combined to form a single hash value. Generally, increasing this value increases precision.

Hamming LSH Mapping

Uses the Bit-Sampling algorithm to hash and store sparse bool vectors such that they support approximate Hamming similarity queries.

Only difference from the canonical bit-sampling method is that it samples and combines k bits to form a single hash value. For example, if you set L = 100, k = 3, it samples 100 * 3 = 300 bits from the vector and concatenates sets of 3 bits to form each hash value, for a total of 100 hash values.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_sparse_bool_vector", # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 25000,                      # 2
                "model": "lsh",                     # 3
                "similarity": "hamming",            # 4
                "L": 99,                            # 5
                "k": 2
# Description
1 Vector datatype. Must be sparse bool vector.
2 Vector dimensionality.
3 Model type.
4 Similarity.
5 Number of hash tables. Generally, increasing this value increases recall.
6 Number of hash functions combined to form a single hash value. Generally, increasing this value increases precision.

Cosine LSH Mapping

Uses the Random Projection algorithm to hash and store dense float vectors such that they support approximate Cosine similarity queries.1

The implementation is influenced by Chapter 3 of Mining Massive Datasets.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_dense_float_vector", # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 100,                        # 2
                "model": "lsh",                     # 3
                "similarity": "cosine",             # 4
                "L": 99,                            # 5
                "k": 1                              # 6
# Description
1 Vector datatype. Must be dense float vector.
2 Vector dimensionality.
3 Model type.
4 Similarity.
5 Number of hash tables. Generally, increasing this value increases recall.
6 Number of hash functions combined to form a single hash value. Generally, increasing this value increases precision.

L2 LSH Mapping

Uses the Stable Distributions method to hash and store dense float vectors such that they support approximate L2 (Euclidean) similarity queries.

The implementation is influenced by Chapter 3 of Mining Massive Datasets.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_dense_float_vector", # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 100,                        # 2
                "model": "lsh",                     # 3
                "similarity": "l2",                 # 4
                "L": 99,                            # 5
                "k": 1,                             # 6
                "w": 3                              # 7
# Description
1 Vector datatype. Must be dense float vector.
2 Vector dimensionality.
3 Model type.
4 Similarity.
5 Number of hash tables. Generally, increasing this value increases recall.
6 Number of hash functions combined to form a single hash value. Generally, increasing this value increases precision.
7 Integer bucket width. This determines how close two vectors have to be, when projected onto a third common vector, in order for the two vectors to share a hash value. Typical values are low single-digit integers.

Permutation LSH Mapping

Uses the model described in Large-Scale Image Retrieval with Elasticsearch by Amato, et. al..

This model describes a vector by the k indices (positions in the vector) with the greatest absolute values. The intuition is that each index corresponds to some latent concept, and indices with high absolute values carry more information about their respective concepts than those with low absolute values. The research for this method has focused mainly on Cosine similarity,1 though the implementation also supports L1 and L2.

An example

The vector [10, -2, 0, 99, 0.1, -8, 42, -13, 6, 0.1] with k = 4 is represented by indices [4, 7, -8, 1]. Indices are 1-indexed and indices for negative values are negated (hence the -8). Indices can optionally be repeated based on their ranking. In this example, the indices would be repeated [4, 4, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, -8, -8, 1]. Index 4 has the highest absolute value, so it’s repeated k - 0 = 4 times. Index 7 has the second highest absolute value, so it’s repeated k - 1 = 3 times, and so on. The search algorithm computes the score as the size of the intersection of the stored vector’s representation and the query vector’s representation. So for a query vector represented by [2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 5], the intersection is [7, 7, 7, 4, 4], producing a score of 5. In some experiments, repetition has actually decreased recall, so it’s advised that you try with and without repetition.

PUT /my-index/_mapping
    "properties": {
        "my_vec": {
            "type": "elastiknn_dense_float_vector", # 1
            "elastiknn": {
                "dims": 100,                        # 2
                "model": "permutation_lsh",         # 3
                "k": 10,                            # 4
                "repeating": true                   # 5
# Description
1 Vector datatype. Must be dense float vector.
2 Vector dimensionality.
3 Model type.
4 The number of top indices to pick.
5 Whether to repeat the indices proportionally to their rank. See the notes on repeating above.

Nearest Neighbor Queries

Elastiknn provides a query called elastiknn_nearest_neighbors, which can be used in a GET /_search request just like standard Elasticsearch queries, as well as in combination with standard Elasticsearch queries.

General Structure

The general query structure looks like this:

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {        # 1
            "field": "my_vec",                  # 2
            "vec": {                            # 3
                "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...],               
            "model": "exact",                   # 4
            "similarity": "cosine",             # 5
            ...                                 # 6
# Description
1 Query type provided by Elastiknn.
2 Name of the field containing your vectors.
3 Query vector. In this example it’s a literal vector, but can also be a reference to an indexed vector.
4 Model type. Exact search used in this example. More models covered below.
5 One of the five similarity functions used to score indexed vectors.
6 Additional query parameters for different model/similarity combinations. Covered more below.

Compatibility of Vector Types and Similarities

Jaccard and Hamming similarity only work with sparse bool vectors. Cosine,1 L1, and L2 similarity only work with dense float vectors. The following documentation assume this restriction is known.

These restrictions aren’t inherent to the types and algorithms, i.e., you could in theory run cosine similarity on sparse vectors. The restriction merely reflects the most common patterns and simplifies the implementation.

Similarity Scoring

Elasticsearch queries must return a non-negative floating-point score. For Elastiknn, the score for an indexed vector represents its similarity to the query vector. However, not all similarity functions increase as similarity increases. For example, a perfect similarity for the L1 and L2 functions is 0. Such functions really represent distance without a well-defined mapping from distance to similarity. In these cases Elastiknn applies a transformation to invert the score such that more similar vectors have higher scores. The exact transformations are described below.

Similarity Transformation to Elasticsearch Score Min Value Max Value
Jaccard N/A 0 1.0
Hamming N/A 0 1.0
Cosine1 cosine similarity + 1 0 2
L1 1 / (1 + l1 distance) 0 1
L2 1 / (1 + l2 distance) 0 1

If you’re using the elastiknn_nearest_neighbors query with other queries, and the score values are inconvenient (e.g. huge values like 1e6), consider wrapping the query in a Script Score Query, where you can access and transform the _score value.

Query Vector

The query vector is either a literal vector or a pointer to an indexed vector.

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {    
            "vec": {                                # 1
                "true_indices": [1, 3, 5, ...],
                "total_indices": 1000
            "vec": {                                # 2
                "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]
            "vec": {                                # 3
                "index": "my-other-index",
                "field": "my_vec",
                "id": "abc123"
# Description
1 Literal sparse bool query vector.
2 Literal dense float query vector.
3 Indexed query vector. This assumes you have another index called my-other-index with a document with id abc123 that contains a valid vector in field my_vec.

Exact Query

Computes the exact similarity of a query vector against all indexed vectors. The algorithm is not efficient compared to approximate search, but the implementation has been extensively profiled and optimized.

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {        
            "field": "my_vec", 
            "vec": {                                # 1
                "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...],
            "model": "exact",                       # 2
            "similarity": "(cosine | l1 | l2)",    # 3
# Description
1 Query vector. Must match the datatype of my_vec or be a pointer to an indexed vector that matches the type.
2 Model name.
3 Similarity function. Must be compatible with the vector type.

LSH Search Strategy

All LSH search models follow roughly the same strategy. They first retrieve approximate neighbors based on common hash terms and then compute the exact similarity for a subset of the best approximate candidates. The exact steps are as follows:

  1. Hash the query vector using model parameters that were specified in the indexed vector’s mapping.
  2. Use the hash values to construct and execute a query that finds other vectors with the same hash values. The query is a modification of Lucene’s TermInSetQuery.
  3. Take the top vectors with the most matching hashes and compute their exact similarity to the query vector. The candidates parameter controls the number of exact similarity computations. Specifically, we compute exact similarity for the top candidates candidate vectors in each segment. As a reminder, each Elasticsearch index has >= 1 shards, and each shard has >= 1 segments. That means if you set "candiates": 200 for an index with 2 shards, each with 3 segments, then you’ll compute the exact similarity for 2 * 3 * 200 = 1200 vectors. candidates must be set to a number greater or equal to the number of Elasticsearch results you want to get. Higher values generally mean higher recall and higher latency.

Jaccard LSH Query

Retrieve sparse bool vectors based on approximate Jaccard similarity.

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {
            "field": "my_vec",                     # 1
            "vec": {                               # 2
                "true_indices": [1, 3, 5, ...],
                "total_indices": 100
            "model": "lsh",                        # 3
            "similarity": "jaccard",               # 4
            "candidates": 50                       # 5
# Description
1 Indexed field. Must use lsh mapping model with jaccard similarity.
2 Query vector. Must be literal sparse bool or a pointer to an indexed sparse bool vector.
3 Model name.
4 Similarity function.
5 Number of candidates per segment. See the section on LSH Search Strategy.

Hamming LSH Query

Retrieve sparse bool vectors based on approximate Hamming similarity.

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {
            "field": "my_vec",                     # 1
            "vec": {                               # 2
                "true_indices": [1, 3, 5, ...],
                "total_indices": 100
            "model": "lsh",                        # 3
            "similarity": "hamming",               # 4
            "candidates": 50                       # 5
# Description
1 Indexed field. Must use lsh mapping model with hamming similarity.
2 Query vector. Must be literal sparse bool or a pointer to an indexed sparse bool vector.
3 Model name.
4 Similarity function.
5 Number of candidates per segment. See the section on LSH Search Strategy.
6 Set to true to use the more-like-this heuristic to pick a subset of hashes. Generally faster but still experimental.

Cosine LSH Query

Retrieve dense float vectors based on approximate Cosine similarity.1

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {
            "field": "my_vec",                     # 1
            "vec": {                               # 2
                "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]
            "model": "lsh",                        # 3
            "similarity": "cosine",                # 4
            "candidates": 50                       # 5
# Description
1 Indexed field. Must use lsh mapping model with cosine similarity.
2 Query vector. Must be literal dense float or a pointer to an indexed dense float vector.
3 Model name.
4 Similarity function.
5 Number of candidates per segment. See the section on LSH Search Strategy.
6 Set to true to use the more-like-this heuristic to pick a subset of hashes. Generally faster but still experimental.

L1 LSH Query

Not yet implemented.

L2 LSH Query

Retrieve dense float vectors based on approximate L2 similarity.

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {
            "field": "my_vec",                     # 1
            "vec": {                               # 2
                "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]
            "model": "lsh",                        # 3
            "similarity": "l2",                    # 4
            "candidates": 50,                      # 5
            "probes": 2                            # 6
# Description
1 Indexed field. Must use lsh mapping model with l2 similarity.
2 Query vector. Must be literal dense float or a pointer to an indexed dense float vector.
3 Model name.
4 Similarity function.
5 Number of candidates per segment. See the section on LSH Search Strategy.
6 Number of probes for using the multiprobe search technique. Default value is zero. Max value is 3^k. Generally, increasing probes will increase recall, will allow you to use a smaller value for L with comparable recall, but introduces some additional computation at query time. See the L2 LSH mapping section for more on L and k.

Permutation LSH Query

Retrieve dense float vectors based on the permutation LSH algorithm. See the permutation LSH mapping for more about the algorithm.

GET /my-index/_search
    "query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {
            "field": "my_vec",                     # 1
            "vec": {                               # 2
                "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]
            "model": "permutation_lsh",            # 3
            "similarity": "cosine",                # 4
            "candidates": 50                       # 5
# Description
1 Indexed field. Must use permutation_lsh mapping to use this query.
2 Query vector. Must be literal dense float or a pointer to an indexed dense float vector.
3 Model name.
4 Similarity function. Supports Cosine,1 L1, and L2.
5 Number of candidates per segment. See the section on LSH Search Strategy.

Model and Query Compatibility

Some models can support more than one type of query. For example, sparse bool vectors indexed with the Jaccard LSH model support exact searches using both Jaccard and Hamming similarity. The opposite is not true: vectors stored using the exact model do not support Jaccard LSH queries.

The tables below shows valid model/query combinations. Rows are models and columns are queries. The similarity functions are abbreviated (J: Jaccard, H: Hamming, C: Cosine,1 L1, L2).


Model / Query Exact Sparse Indexed Jaccard LSH Hamming LSH
Exact (i.e. no model specified) ✔ (J, H) x x x
Sparse Indexed ✔ (J, H) ✔ (J, H) x x
Jaccard LSH ✔ (J, H) x x
Hamming LSH ✔ (J, H) x x


Model / Query Exact Cosine LSH L2 LSH Permutation LSH
Exact (i.e. no model specified) ✔ (C, L1, L2) x x x
Cosine LSH ✔ (C, L1, L2) x x
L2 LSH ✔ (C, L1, L2) x x
Permutation LSH ✔ (C, L1, L2) x x

Running Nearest Neighbors Query on a Filtered Subset of Documents

It’s common to filter for a subset of documents based on some property and then run the elastiknn_nearest_neighbors query on that subset. For example, if your docs contain a color keyword, you might want to find all of the docs with "color": "blue", and only run elastiknn_nearest_neighbors on that subset. To do this, you can use the elastiknn_nearest_neighbors query in a function score query or in a query rescorer. The function score query is usually simpler, but both are covered below.

Using a Function Score Query

GET /my-index/_search

  "query": {
    "function_score": {
      "query": {
        "term": { "color": "blue" }                  # 1
      "functions": [                                 # 2
          "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {           # 3
            "field": "vec",
            "similarity": "cosine",
            "model": "exact",
            "vec": {
              "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]
  "size": 10                                         # 4
# Description
1 Term query will limit the functions to only run on documents matching "color": "blue".
2 List of functions which are applied to the matching documents.
3 elastiknn_nearest_neighbors query that is evaluated on matching documents. The query produces the similarity score, which, by default, is multiplied by the term query score. If you’d like to change this behavior, see the score_mode, boost_mode, and weight parameters in the Elasticsearch function score docs.
4 Max number of documents to match with the provided query. The function is only applied to the first size documents. Any remaining documents will be skipped in a non-deterministic fashion. See Issue 298 for details.


This does not support passing indexed vectors.

When using "model": "lsh", the "candidates" parameter is ignored and vectors are not re-scored with the exact similarity like they are with a elastiknn_nearest_neighbors query. Instead, the score is: max similarity score * proportion of matching hashes. This is a necessary consequence of the fact that score functions take a doc ID and must immediately return a score.

The function is only applied to size documents. This means it can completely omit some documents that matched the query. For example, if size = 100, and the query matches 101 documents, then one document will be omitted in a non-deterministic fashion. See Issue 298 for details.

Using a Query Rescorer

GET /my-index/_search
  "query": {
    "term": { "color": "blue" }                     # 1
  "rescore": {
    "window_size": 10,                              # 2
    "query": {
      "rescore_query": {
        "elastiknn_nearest_neighbors": {            # 3
            "field" : "vec",
            "similarity" : "l2",
            "model" : "exact",            
            "vec" : {
                "values" : [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...]
      "query_weight": 0,                            # 4
      "rescore_query_weight": 1                     # 5
# Description
1 Term query will limit to only run on documents containing "color": "blue".
2 The window size controls how many of the docs that matched the term query will be considered for the nearest neighbors query.
3 elastiknn_nearest_neighbors query that evaluates L2 similarity for the “vec” field in any document containing "color": "blue".
4 Ignore the score from the term query.
5 Use the score from the rescore query.


This does not support passing indexed vectors.

Elasticsearch has a configurable limit for the number of docs that are matched and passed to the rescore query. The default is 10,000. You can modify the index.max_rescore_window setting to get around this.

Given the default limit of 10k vectors passed to the nearest neighbors query, you can typically use exact queries. As a point of reference, exact queries on the Fashion-MNIST dataset (60k 784-dimensional vectors) run in about 250ms.

If you determine you need an approximate query for re-scoring, you should ensure that candidates = window_size > size. Ideally candidates is 10x-100x larger than size. Also, consider that it’s possible for the approximate query to match fewer than candidates vectors. So you can end up with fewer than size results in your search response. This can happen because the nearest neighbors query is only given access to the window_size vectors which matched the original query. If you run into this, you should probably adjust your approximate model parameters for higher recall. There are notes on each model about how the parameters affect recall and precision.

Query Optimizations

Using Stored Fields for Faster Queries

This is a fairly well-known Elasticsearch optimization that applies nicely to some elastiknn use cases. If you only need to retrieve a small subset of the document source (e.g. only the ID), you can store the relavant fields as stored fields to get a meaningful speedup. The Elastiknn scala client uses this optimization to store and retrieve document IDs, yielding a ~40% speedup for queries. The setting is documented here and discussed in detail in this Github issue.

Query Parallelism

From Elasticsearch’s perspective, the elastiknn_nearest_neighbors query is no different from any other query. Elasticsearch receives a JSON query containing an elastiknn_nearest_neighbors key, passes the JSON to a parser implemented by Elastiknn, the parser produces a Lucene query, and Elasticsearch executes that query on each shard in the index.

This means the simplest way to increase query parallelism is to add shards to your index. Obviously this has an upper limit, but the general performance implications of sharding are beyond the scope of this document.

The number of shards is a static setting provided when creating the index:

PUT /my-index
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "number_of_shards": 2

See the create index documentation for more details.

  1. Cosine similarity used to be (incorrectly) called “angular” similarity. All references to “angular” were renamed to “Cosine” in You can still use “angular” in the JSON/HTTP API; it will convert to “cosine” internally.  2 3 4 5 6 7